In France, the ring size corresponds to the circumference of the finger expressed in millimeters. For example, for a finger circumference of 54 mm (or 5.4 cm), you will need to choose a size 54 ring.

To help you find the right size for you, you will find a size conversion chart below.

If you don't know your size, you can measure the inner diameter of a ring you wear and compare it to the chart. If the inner diameter of your ring is 16.60 mm, the ring size will be 52.

If in doubt, we advise you to choose a size larger.

ø in mm France size UK size European size US/Canada size Japan
14.8 47 H 1/2 7 4 6.9
15.3 48 I 1/2 8 4 1/2 7.8
15.6 49 J 1/2 9 5 8.8
15.9 50 K 10 5 1/3 9.7
16.2 51 L 11 5 2/3 10.7
16.6 52 L 1/2 12 6 11.6
16.9 53 M 1/2 13 6 1/3 12.6
17.2 54 N 1/2 14 6 2/3 13.6
17.5 55 O 15 7 14.5
17.8 56 O 1/2 16 7.5 15.5
18.1 57 P1/2 17 8 16.4
18.5 58 Q1/2 18 8 1/3 17.4
18.8 59 R 19 8 2/3 18.3
19.1 60 S 20 9 19.3
19.4 61 T 21 9.75 20.2
19.8 62 T 1/2 22 10 21.2
20.1 63 U 1/2 23 10.5 22.2
20.4 64 V 24 11 23.1
20.7 65 W 25 11.5 24.1
21 66 X 26 11.75 25
21.3 67 X 1/2 27 12 26
21.6 68 Y 1/2 28 12.5 26.9
22 69 Z 1/2 29 12.6 27.9
22.3 70 Z+1 30 13 28.8


The size of a bracelet is measured from the wrist circumference for a flexible bracelet or from the width of the wrist for a bangle bracelet.

For a flexible bracelet:

Measure the circumference of your wrist with a tape measure by wrapping it around it. Add 1.5 to 2 cm for more comfort, depending on how you wear a bracelet.

For a bangle bracelet:

The width of your wrist should be measured with a ruler, with the wrist flat, from the inner edge to the outer edge.

For a rigid closed bangle bracelet, you must measure the width of your hand, with your fingers stretched out against each other, to be sure that your bracelet will fit.

Wrist circumference (measured) Bracelet Size (Length) Ring Size (Inner Diameter)
15 cm 17 cm 5 cm
16 cm 18 cm 5.5 cm
17 cm 19 cm 5.5 to 6 cm
18 cm 20 cm 6 cm
19 cm 21 cm 6.5 cm
20 cm 22 cm 7 cm
21 cm 23 cm 7.5 cm
22 cm 24 cm 8 cm